
Positive SSL Certificates

Issued within 10 minutes, a Positive SSL Certificate provides a quick cost-effective solution to secure your customer transactions and sensitive information.

Comodo EV SSL

EV SSL Certificate provide the highest levels of encryption, security and trust. They immediately reassure web site visitors that it is safe to conduct online transactions by turning the address bar green.

Comodo InstantSSL Premium

An InstantSSL Pro Certificate enables you and your customers to complete transactions with the assurance that no one else can read or change information as it travels over the Internet.

Positive SSL Wildcard & Essential SSL Wildcard

Secure UNLIMITED subdomains on a single domain name with one Certificate. 128/256 bit industry standard SSL Certificate; Trusted by over 99.3% of current Internet users.

Unified Communication Certificate(UCC SSL)

Designed exclusively for MS Exchange and Office Communications infrastructures, Comodo UCC SSL allow a one SSL to provide SSL-secured communications for multiple domains and multiple host names.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

And Here Comodo is Again #1 in SSL Market Share

w3techs.com published new updated monthly SSL market trend data that show Comodo continue to increase its market share. Comodo maintained its global SSL Market leadership in February also. 

Statics view of SSL Market trends

This report shows the market share trends for SSL certificate authorities since April 2015.

Diagram view of SSL Market Trends

The diagram shows only SSL certificate authorities with more than 1% market share.

Source: w3techs

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